Meghrig Garabed Parikian
Bishop, former Prelate of Canada Catholicossate of Cilicia
3401 Olivar-Asselin,
H4J 1L5
[1] 514 8561-200, fax -805.
* Beirut Lebanon.
diak (A Datev Sarkissian).
Zarehian Seminary of the Armenian Catholicossate of Cilicia.
priest (B Zareh Aznavourian).
regent choir "Shenorhali" Zarehian Seminary.
archim Vartabed "Letters of Catholicos Nerses" (Ardag Manoukian).
stud Bossey.
stud piano The New School for Music Mannes College New York.
director "Birds Nest" Jbeil.
parish Toronto.
vicar general Canada.
B Prelate of Canada Catholicossate of Cilicia (Aram I, Antelias).
Dean of the Armenian Theological Seminary Antelias (Patr Aram)
passed to the Lord