Pawel Pawel Tokajuk
Bishop, B of Hajnówka, vicar Warszawa+Bielsk
ul. Księdza Antoniego Dziewiatowskiego 15, Hajnówka
85 873 29 71
* in Sanok (son of orthodox priest in Orla).
absolv orth Seminary Warszawa.
mon (monastery St. Onufrij in Jableczna).
Secretary of Metropolitan Sawa.
diak (Metr Sawa).
regular training of Karate Tsunami in Central School of Karate in Warszawa; during 7th Police Open Karate Tsunami championship: Gold medal and two bronze medals.
absolv Christian Theol Academy Warszawa
Member of the Delegation of the Polish Orthodox Church at the Panorthodox Synod in Crete.
absolv School for modern languages at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki.
nominated auxiliary bishop of diocese Warszawa+Bielsk by the Bishops' Assembly (title: B of Hajnówka, vacant since the death of A Miron [Chodakowskij] in the crash of airplane Tu-154 near Smolensk in 2010).
ordination as B scheduled at St. Mary Magdelene Cathedral Warszawa.