Kirill Evgenij Zinkovskij
Bishop, Sergijev Posad+Dmitrov, vicar Patriarch, Abbot Lavra, Rektor Akademia Moskva
Sergijev Posad, Metr. Moskva
Svjato-Troitskaja Sergijeva Lavra,
Sergijev Posad
[7] (496) 540-59-42 (Lavra). [+7] (49156) 5-10-93, (920) 990 68 62 (Akademia).
office@lavra.ru -
http://stsl.ru/; www.mpda.ru
* Leningrad.
stud Polytechnic Institute.
PhD (Kandidat) in Technical Sciences.
stud Saint-Petersburg Seminary.
stud Saint-Petersburg Akademia. PhD (Kandidat) in Theology.
took monastic vows together with his twin brother Methodius.
teacher and dean for foreign students Saint-Petersburg Akademia.
priest in Vyritsa Leningrad region.
Habilitation Aspirantura/Doctorantura. Thesis "The Doctrine of Matter in the Sacramental-Anthropological Aspect in the Works of the Theologians of the Alexandrian School, the Great Cappadocians, and Saint Maximus the Confessor".
rector St Nicholas Seminary in Ugresha, Moscow region.
namestnik St Nicholas Monastery Ugresha.
edited 1000-pages volume on Sergii Bulgakov "Pro et Contra 2" (together with Methodius Zinkovsky and Tikhon Vasilyev).
chosen rector Moscow Theol Academy, bishop Zvenigorod, vikar Patriarch. His twin brother Methodius succeeded him as rector and namestnik in Ugresha.
⨁ (Zachatyevsky Monastery, by Patr. Kirill).
president Russian Theological Association (succeeded Metr. Hilarion).
Sergijev Posad+Dmitrov, vicar Patriarch, Abbot Lavra, Rektor Akademia Moskva.