Michal Michael Dandár
Archbishop, Prague and Czech Lands
Šarecká 1065/36
tel. +420 245 009 507
arcibiskup.michal@pravoslavnacirkev.cz -
* Zemplinske Hradishte Trebishov Slovakia.
Orth Theol Fak in Prezhov.
Akad Theol Leningrad, 1969 Kandıdat Theol.
parish Dresden (Patr Moskva).
diak Leningrad (M Nikodim)
priest Leningrad (M Nikodim)
stud German language Inst. Herder in Radebeul/ Dresden.
parishes Preshov, Prague, Dean Prague and Central Region
stud German language and Bibliographie Martin Luther Bund Erlangen
Lektor Direktor Theol School St.Kyrill and Method Prague
grant Mitra (M Dorotej)
teacher, special assistent Orthodox Liturgics Jan Hus Faculty University Prague
Protopresbyter (M Dorotej). Lic theol Jan Hus Faculty Prague
Dr.phil University Preshov
Representative to Moscow Patriarchate in Moscow
mon. Podvorije (metochia) of Mount Athos in Moskva (igumen Nikon)
dean Bratislava and West Slovakia region
mon Podvorije of Mount Athos in Moskva (igumen Nikon)
parish Schweinfurt Germany (Patr Moscow A Theophan)
igumen (A Theophan Berlin)
parishes Prague, 1.3.2015 archim (A Jáchym Prague)
B, A Prague and Czech Lands in Prague (A Jiří, A Jáchym, B Damián -Kiev, A Antonij Moravický)
official visit Phanar
member of the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church in Crete.