Haigazun Vrej Najarian
Archbishop, Sydney, Primate of Australia+New Zealand
P.O.Box 694, Chatswood,
NSW 2067
[61] 2 9938 4816 prelacy, 9419─8056 office, -6394 assistant. fax 94131709.
A Australia and New Zealand
* in Aleppo Syria NVartanans Thursday before Lent.
diplom school Vahan Tekeyan and Hovakimian-Manoukian Beirut.
Gevorkian Theol Seminary Etchmiadzin "Mkhitar Gosh Interpretation of the Prophet Yeremia".
diak Etchmiadzin, A Husik Santurian.
Chancellery Etchmiadzin.
stud Kings College London, St. Andrews Scotland.
⊖ St. Sarkis London, A Nerses Pozapalian.
parish London.
teacher NT and Church History, Dean Seminary Etchmiadzin.
archim, Vardapet "The Origin of the monastic movement in Armenia", Dz. Vardapet "The rules of St. Barsegh Kesaratsi."
vicar general Eastern USA.
parish New Jersey.
vicar general Eastern USA.
MA History Columbia University New York.
teacher NT and Church History, Dean Seminary Etchmiadzin.
parishes England, citizen USA,
parish St. Sargis Dallas USA.
vicar general Eastern USA.
parish St. Sahak-St. Mesrop Philadelphia USA.
Patriarchal Delegate Austria Czechia Denmark Finland Hungary Norway Slovakia Sweden.
⊕ B.
Primate Australia.