Melketsédéq Zedingil Nurbegen
Bishop, B of Guragé
EOC Patriarchate, P.O.Box 1283
Addis Ababa
* (1964).
traditional church studies.
diak (1983).
different positions in Zeway monastery (1983-1990).
mon (1986).
priest (1986).
BTheol from HTTC Addis Ababa; MTheol Institut de théol orth St-Serge de Paris, PhD candidate (1998-2003); languages: English, French, Greek.
founded parish church in France and served as head of the parish (1996-1999).
formed church association (1997-2009).
prof. of Holy Trinity College in Addis Ababa (2000).
formed another parish church in Paris and served as head of Mekane Hiwot Abune Gebremenfesse Quidus church (2001-2009).
head of department for parish churches in South and South West Europe (2007-2009).
ordained bishop (9.11.2009).