Porphyrios Machairiotis - Names - Orthodoxia

Porphyrios Machairiotis

  • Bishop, Neapolis, assistant Lemesos
  • Square Ambiorix 2
  • Bruxelles
  • 1000
  • Tel: +32 2 6124190 Fax: +32 2 6124191
  • iakyprou@cy.net
  • https://churchofcypruseu.com/
  • Vice President of the Solomon Panagidis Foundation
  • * Pera Oreinís Levkosia. N26.2. school Strovolon.
  • military service.
  • stud Archeology Athens.
  • stud theol Athens.
  • Mitropolis Lemesos.
  • monk Machaira,
  • diak diak
  • ⊖ priest
  • archim archim
  • ⊕ B. Neapolis, assistant Lemesos
  • member of the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church in Crete.