Lazar Lev Puhalo
former assistant to A of Canada
37323 Hawkins Road,
Lax KW'Alaams
V0M 1H0 BC
[1] 604 8269336, fax 8209758.
* Lady Lake SK, Ron Haler. N16.6.
diak ROCOR,
defrocked as heretic.
⊖ (New Gračanica, later Patriarchat Kiev, later Milan Synod) 15 years director Anti-Drogue Institut. Abbot All Saints Monastery.
⊕ B Ottawa.
reconciliation with canonical Church with recognition of the episcopal dignity; assistant to the Archbishop of Canada for relations with the Government of Canada.
OCA as "retired B" New Ostrog Monastery. April
Alba Iulia
Lives in Dewdney, British Columbia, at the monastery of All Saints of North America, along with his associate Varlaam (Novakshonov).