Panteleimon Evangelos Rodopulos
Metropol, Tyroloi+Serention, Prof Theol Fac
Moni Vlatadon, Eptapyrgiou 64,
546 34
[30] 2310 209913, 991438. Xenonos 247492, bookshop 246357, fax 246349
* Athen, N27.7.
diak, diplom theol Athens,
priest, stud theol London Oxford,
Frankfurt. Bac Litt Oxford.
protosynkellos Thess.
Dr.theol Thess
Lecturer Univ Thess
Director Holy Cross Boston.
Prof Canon Law Thess.
Dean St. Johannes Damascenus Fak theol Balamand.
⊕ M Tyana.
Dean Thess. Vice Rector
M Tyroloi+Serention.
Vice-rector, 1982-1983 Rector Univ Thess.
Igumen Moni Vlatadon.
Dr.theol h.c. Boston
member Holy and Sacred Synod.
passed to the Lord