Hilarion Grigorij Alfejev
Metropol, Budapest+Hungary, Exarchate Western Europe
Petőfi tér 2,
[36] 1 796 7015
ortodox.hu@gmail.hu -
http://hilarion.ru/en/ * http://hungary.orthodoxia.org/
* Moskau Ν19.6.
music school Moskva.
Konservatorium Moskva (composition).
Soviet Army.
mon Holy Spirit Vilna
diak (Viktorin of Vilna)
⊖ (Anatolij Kuznetsov).
Seminar (correspondence course) Theol Sergijev Posad.
(correspondence course) Kandidat Theol Sergijev Posad.
dean cathedral Kaunas.
teacher dogmatics, New Testament, byzantine Greek, homiletics Seminar and Akademia Moskva.
. Order of the State of Lithuania for avoiding civil war
teacher New Testament St. Tihon Institut, teacher patristics Orth University St. John Moskva.
stud theol Oxford.
member redaction Studia Monastica Montserrat.
member redaction Vestnik Paris.
Dr.phil Oxford.
priest Sv. Ekatarina na Vspolje Moskva.
teacher patristics seminaries Kaluga and Smolensk.
member commission dialogue Reformed World Alliance.
chairman Interchurch Relations Department External Church Affairs Moskva.
member Synodal Commission Theology, commission dialogue Roman Cath Church, commission dialogue Evangelical Church Germany.
chief redactor Cerkov i Vremja.
member commission dialogue Lutheran Church Finland, commission dialogue Church of England, Central Committee CEC.
lecturer St. Vladimir's New York.
lecturer Cambridge.
Dr.theol St. Serge Paris.
member executive committee and member central committee World Council of Churches Geneva.
lecturer Volos.
⊕ B Kerč, vikar to M Anthony (Blum, Sourozh/London).
Délégation permanente auprès de l'Union Européenne Bruxelles.
B Podolsk,
B Wien.
medal Konstantin Ostrog Białystok.
Privatdozent Fak theol Fribourg Schweiz.
Β (20.4.2009 - A) Volokolamsk, vikar Patr. Chairman Department External Relations. Rector Aspirantura/Doctorantura.
Honorary professorship RHGA SPb, 2012 Ural conservatory, Ural State Mountain University, 2017 Pedagogical University Moscow, 2018 Lomonosov University Moscow.
Titularprofessor Fak theol Fribourg Schweiz (now suspended).
chairman Synodal Comm Theology after M Filaret
Dr. theol h.c.2010 RSSU Moscow, Theol Barcelona 2011 Theol Lugano Switzerland, Sankt-Peterburg, Prešov 2012 Villanova, Nashotah House Sem, Minsk Theol Acad 2013 Theol Belarus State Univ, 2014 St. Vladimir (OCA), Veliko Tarnovo Bulgaria, RSUH Moscow, 2017 Linguistic University Moscow, Theol. Fac. Puglia (Italy), 2018 Diplomatic Academy Moscow
Dean Theol chair Nuclear University MEPhI
Aspirantura first time grants Dr.h.c.: to Prof. Andrea Riccardi Comunità Sant' Egidio, to Metr. Kallistos (Ware)
Joint international commission for the theological dialogue (cath-orth), Chieti, Italy.
Fellow Academy Rus Lang and Lit
honorary member Russian Academy of Arts
first commemoration Havana meeting in Fribourg CH
released from positions in Department, Aspirantura, and, ex officio, Synod. M Budapest + Hungary