Antonij Anton Sevrjuk
Metropol, Volokolamsk, vikar Patriarch, Chairman Department External Church Relations; Interim Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe
22th, Danilovskiy Val street,
[7] 495 955 67 77; fax [7] 495 633 72 81
* Tver.
school Tver.
Tverskoj Litsej, altarnik katedral Tver.
diplom Seminar Sankt-Peterburg „Eschatology in the World Religions“.
Akademia Sankt-Peterburg, teacher English.
stud University Joensuu Finlandia.
referent Department External Church Relations Moskva.
teacher Seminar Smolensk.
personal secretary Patriarch Kirill.
diak Christ the Saviour Moskva (Patr Kirill).
priest Christ the Saviour Moskva (Patr Kirill).
parish Roma Italia.
archim Sergejev Posad (Patr Kirill).
mon Sergejeva Lavra (Patr Kirill).
B Bogorodsk, vikar patr. for the parishes in Italy. Chairman Department Church Institutions outside Russia
A Wien and Budapest
Patr. Kirill's delegate to nameday Patr. Bartholomaios Istanbul
M Korsun and Western Europe, Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe, Interim administrator of the parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Italy.
M Volokolamsk, vikar Patriarch, Chairman Department External Church Relations; Interim Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe.