Ignacio Isaak Samaán
Bishop, Metropolitan Mexico, Venezuela, Central America and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea
Mexico, Venezuela, Central America and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea
Pirules No 110, Col. Jardines del Pedregal, Cod. Post., 01900 Mexico, D.F.
Tel: 0052 55 5568 2292 - 0052 55 5652 7772 Fax: 0052 55 5652 5433
ortodoxia@prodigy.net.mx -
in Damaskus.
BA pharma sciences, University of Damaskus.
lic.theol. Institut St. John Damascene, Balamand; studies at Dep. for Liturgy, University Thessaloniki.
Director Choir for byzantine music, Balamand Theol. Institute.
diak (Patr. Ignatios IV.)
priest + archim.
Episcopal vicar of M Antonio Chedraoui; Dean Cath St. George Mexico.
administrator and teacher of S.O.F.I.A (= virtual Institution for orth. theol. and past. formation for Ibero America); 2011 integration into the online platform of University Balamand.
⊕ (Patr. Ignace IV.); B of Caesarea; auxiliar bishop for Mexico, Venezuela, Central America and the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Founder of the Publishing House "Barek". Spread byzantine music in Spanish language.
designated patriarchal vicar for Venezuela and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea (Patr. Youhanna)..