Atanasije Svetko Rakita
Metropol, Milesheva
Kralja Petra I br.5,
[381] 11 3282596, 3283997, 3025146
M. Milesheva
* Janje near Sipovo.
absolvent Seminar Krka.
mon. (Krka monastery).
diak .
diplom theol St. Vladimir's New York (with Prof. A. Schmemann and John Meyendorff).
⊖ priest
English language courses at the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburg.
Teacher at Krka Mon Sem.
teacher St. Cyrill and Methodius Seminar Prizren.
assistant to Prof Patrologie Fak theol Beograd (Bishop Prof. Atanasije Jevtić), lecturer at Fac Orth Theol in Foca (History of Religion).
Editor-in-chief "Pravoslavlje".
⊕ Bishop
vicar B Hvosno
Editor-in-chief "Pravoslavlje Press"; chairman of Cimmittee for religious education of Archbishopric Belgrad-Karlovac; relations Church - educational institutions Armed Forces of Serbia (Military Academy, Military High School); launched and edited the magazine "Orthodox Catechet".
B Bihać-Petrovać; represent. Serbian Church at the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
member of the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church in Crete.
B Milesheva.
Installation as B Milesheva.