Irenei Matthew Craig Steenberg
Bishop, London+Western Europe ROCOR
Great Britain and Western Europe ROCOR
58 Shrewsbury Road Birkenhead
CH43 2JJ
[+44] 75 39 41 31 30; [+44] 151 653 7768 Archpriest Paul Elliot (Chancellor)
* American Naval Base Okinawa, Japan, N23rd August / 5th September: St Irenaeus, Hieromartyr and bishop of Lyon (202)
youth in the university town of Moscow, Idaho USA. and in St. Olaf College, an excellent small Lutheran college south of Minneapolis USA
British government Marshall Scholarship to Oxford University, like Metropolitan Hilarion studied under Metropolitan Kallistos. Doctorate in Patristic Studies and Church History. teaching Fellow in Theology at Oxford, lecturing on Patristics, Church History and Orthodox Theology
Chair and Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Leeds Trinity University GB
deacon Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos
moving to San Francisco
mon (the feast day of St Polycarp of Smyrna)
priest Fourth Sunday of Great Lent, dedicated to St John of the Ladder, Cathedral of the Holy Virgin (A Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America),
cleric St Tikhon’s Church San Francisco ROCOR
archim Feast of St Tikhon of Zadonsk
founded Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies in San Francisco
abbot St Silouan of Mt Athos monastery in Sonora, California
B Sacramento vicar San Francisco ROCOR
appointed administrator of the parishes of the ROCOR in Great Britain by the Synod of the ROCOR bishops.
B London and Western Europe (until 27.6.2019 under the title B Richmond and Western Europe).