Kiprian Ognjan Dobrinov Kazandzhiev
Metropol, Stara Zagora
Stara Zagora
Mitropolia Sv. Apostol Karp 4,
Stara Zagora
042 627 793; GSM 0886 009 618
spiritual care of Orthodox Bulgarians living in Turkey
* Kazanlăk, Roma N?
music school.
mon Rila (B Ioan Dragovitsa, M Pakratij Stara Zagora).
diak Pavel Banja.
⊖ Sv. Nikolaj Stara Zagora.
efimerij Sv. Bogoroditsa Kazanlăk, stud theol Sofia.
igumen Sv. Pror. Ilija Turžiš Vratsa, violin master, dirigent choir "Sv. Sofronij" Vratsa,
protosingel Vratsa, stud jur Sofia.
archim archim, Igumen Čerepiš, igumen Tržiš,
protosingel USA. nagrada festival Białystok.
⊕ Vratsa B Trajanopol, vikar Vratsa, igumen Čerepiš, dirigent chor "Sv. Sofronij" Vratsa.
candidate for M Central Europe.
M Stara Zagora, dirigent choir
head of the Commission to “negotiate with the Orthodox Church of Macedonia and the other Local Orthodox Churches to establish the canonical status of the Orthodox Church of Macedonia.”
Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow in Stara Zagora