Irineu Duvlea
Bishop, former Dearborn Heights, vicar Detroit and the Romanians
POB 309
Grass Lake
MI 49240
[1] 517 5224800. [1] 517 5225907
* Alba Iulia. N23.8.
Seminar Cluj.
mon Brâncoveanu Sâmbata de Sus.
diak (A Ioann Helsinki).
⊖ Sibiu (A Antonie Plamadeala).
Fac Teol Sibiu.
Igumen, Exarch.
archim .
Detroit Holy Ascension monastery.
⊕ B Dearborn
"deposed from the episcopacy, removed from the ranks of the clergy and returned to the status of a simple monk" (Archpastoral Letter to the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America by A Tikhon, M of All America and Canada)