Ioann Georgij Roshchin
Metropol, former Wien+Austria
Bolshaja Nikitskaja 29,
7 (495) 690 02 74.
* Moskva
stud Fac Iur Moskva
monastery Pskov
Seminary Moskva
commission Editions Patr Moskva
Department External Relations Patr Moskva
stud Fac Theol St. Vladimir's New York
stud Fac Phil Catholic University Washington
diak (M Kirill Smolensk+Kaliningrad)
priest (M Kirill Smolensk+Kaliningrad)
mon (B Feognost)
B Naro-Fominsk, vikar Moskva, administrator Russian parishes USA
B Bogorodsk, managing parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Italy.
appointed Head of the Patriarchal Exarchate in Western Europe with the title “Korsunsky and Western European” while maintaining the interim administration of the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in Italy.
M Vienna+Austria and Budapest+Hungary.
was released from the administration of the Budapest-Hungarian diocese with a change of title to the title of “Vienna and Austria”.
retired. rector St Theodore the Studite Moskva.