Petros Zereädawit Haile Sillassie
Bishop, B of Sheré (North Weste Tegray)
g EOC Patriarchate, P.O.Box 1283,
Addis Ababa
* (1953).
diak (1967).
traditional church studies; studied Mystery of Religion, commentary on Psalms, church canon, New Testament commentary; BTheol in Greek.
teacher of liturgy at St. Giorgis church in Neqele and in many districts of the Tigray canton; different positions in Debre Abay monastery; copies many manuscripts; teacher of liturgy in Maygede Zoon at Maydemu St. Mary Church; two years as head of Bete Maryam monastery and liturgy teacher in the monastery; head of different parishes in Ethiopia; head of St. Kidane mihret Church (in Greek).
mon (1975).
ordained bishop (9.11.2009).