Aregawi Haile Maryam Melesse
Bishop, former Dire-Dawa and Djibouti
Dire-Dawa and Djibouti
EOC Patriarchate, P.O.Box 1283,
Addis Ababa
Passed to the Lord
Loza Mariam in Northern Gonder
diak (1968).
traditional church studies; Diploma from Sewaswe Birhane Collee; BTheol form Holy Trinity Theological College; PhD from Pretoria University.
mon (1984).
head of many parish churches in Holeta diocese; head of Evangelization and Apostolic Missionary Work in Patriarchal Office; Vice and academic Dean of Holy Trinity Theological College; Vice manager of Patriarchal Office.
representative of all Oriental Churches as Member of th Executive committee of WCC.
A Dire-Dawa and Djibouti